The Changing Of National Curriculum (Perubahan Kurikulum Nasional)


Education is an attempt to make the learning process for students to achieve educational goals that are applied in a country. Education can not be separated from the educational curriculum that has been set by the Government. The curriculum is a method used to improve the quality of education in a country.The curriculum reflects the philosophy of life of the nation, in which direction and how it shapes the lives of the future will be determined by the curriculum used by the nation's social now.
The curriculum can be (at least slightly) predicted outcomes of education / teaching that is expected because it shows what is to be learned and what activities should be experienced by learners. Education results sometimes can not be known immediately or after students completed a course curriculum education.
A teacher should know the curriculum before he or she teaches his or her students, as curriculum has been made on the basis of students’ needs. According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, curriculum is a course of study in school, college, etc. (Hornby, 1987:211). The process of teaching learning in schools is influenced by its environment. Schools in suburbs will be different from schools in urban areas. Therefore, a school needs a curriculum which will give guidance to determine schools’ goal by paying attention to the environment. This is stated in the regulation of government No 20, 2003 article 1 and verse 19, that is curriculum is planning set and rule about purpose, content and lesson material also the method which is used as a guidance to conduct learning activity to achieve certain educational goals. Furthermore, White (1998:19) explains more widely about curriculum; the curriculum includes the goals, objectives, contents, processes, resources, and means of evaluation of all the learning experiences planned for pupils both in and out of school and community through classroom instruction and related program.
From the explanation above, it is very clear that curriculum has a very important role in the success of teaching learning process and the success of the outcome in a school.This is also very important for Vocational High School to change the curriculum , the curriculum SBC 2006 to the curriculum in 2013 , due to changes in the curriculum that continues to follow the development of technologies designed so that vocational students after school will be ready to work could easily face a constantly evolving technology . Similarly to the 2013 curriculum , vocational students can be directed to become qualified people who are able and proactive answer the challenges of the times are always changing , educated man whose faith and fear of God Almighty , noble, healthy , knowledgeable, skilled , creative, independent ; and the citizens of a democratic and accountable.
The problem statement of this essay:  how is the problem of curriculum in Indonesia? How is the important mean of the changing of curriculum? And how are the ways to implement the new curriculum? From the problem statement we want to know the problem of curriculum in Indonesia, the important mean of the changing curriculum and the ways to implement the new curriculum. And our team just limits the discussion about the changing of national curriculum in the vocational high school.
Vocabulary of curriculum has been entered into the vocabulary of Indonesian, with a sense of composition teaching plan. According to some experts vocabulary comes from Latin, meaning curriculumteaching materials, and some are saying comes from French, meaning courier run. In Arabic, some use the vocabulary al-manhaj for curriculum vocabulary. The words "manhaj" (curriculum) which means the path of light or bright path traversed in various fields of human’slife.
The meaning of curriculum from language can be interpreted, that the curriculum is a plan or discussion of teaching, so the direction of educational activities to be clear and bright. This understanding is related to the most prominent of curriculum content, is the composition of materials or subjects that will be used as a reference in the education’s activities.
According Oemar Hamalik(2011:3-4), understanding the curriculum may be viewed from two different sides , which in the view of old and new views. Understanding the curriculum of view of long or too often called the traditional view, to formulate that the curriculum is the number of subjects that must be taken students to obtain a sertificate.While the new view, the curriculum is broad because the curriculum is not only composed of subjects (courses), but includes all the activities and experiences that are the responsibility of the school.
In connection with the above description, according to the observations of Syaiful Sagala (2007: 232) the curriculum is not just studying the subjects, but rather to develop the mind , increase knowledge , and develop their knowledge.
Consistent with that view, according to Sanjaya, curriculum is not only concerned with teaching materials, students learn the activity of teaching materials, and so forth. But the curriculum deals with issues broader than that as the direction and purpose of education.
So,  understanding the explanation of the curriculum  above , it can be concluded based UUSPN No. 20 2003 Article 1 , paragraph 19 says that the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content and learning materials as well as the means used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational objectives .
So many problems of curriculum and learning are experienced by Indonesia. These problems contribute to their impact on learning and education in Indonesia. Here are some of the problems of curriculum:
1.        Curriculum Indonesia Too Complex
                 When compared with the curriculum in developed countries, the curriculum being run in Indonesia is too complex. This will result in both teachers and students. Students will be burdened with a myriad of material that must be mastered.  Students must strive to understand and pursue the material that has been targeted. It made the students not understand all the material being taught. Students would prefer to learn the material and only a cursory understanding of the material. Impact, the students' knowledge will be very limited and fewer students issued their potential, competitiveness of the students will be reduced.
                 Besides an impact on students, teachers will also get affected. The task of the teacher will accumulate and less than the maximum in teaching. Teachers will be burdened with the achievement of the target material that is too much, even though there are still many students who are having difficulty, teachers should continue material. This is not in accordance with the role of the teacher.
2.        Frequent Changes Name
                 Curriculum in Indonesia often experience changes. However, the change is only limited change in name. Without changing the curriculum concept, certainly there will be no positive impact from changes in the curriculum Indonesia. In fact, changing the name of the curriculum capable served as a commercial enterprise by elements that are not responsible.
The changing of curriculumis made ​​to answer the challenges of the times are constantly changing so that learners are able to compete in the future. Another reason for changing curriculum is the previous  curriculum considered burdensome learners. Too much material lessons to be learned by the learners, so that actually makes the learners burdened.
Actually Curriculum Development in 2013 is a further step Competency Based Curriculum Development which were initiated in 2004 and the SBC 2006, which includes competency of attitudes, knowledge and skills in an integrated manner.Curriculum development needs to be done because of the variety of challenges, both internal challenges and external challenges by vocational high school.
1. Internal Challenges
a. Fulfillment of 8 (eight) National Education Standards which include management standards, standard cost, standard infrastructure, standards educators and education personnel, content standards, process standards, assessment standards and competency standards in vocational high school.
b. Indonesia is seen from growth of productive age population. HR productive ages are abundant when the competence has and skills will be a capital construction of extraordinary magnitude. However, if it does not have the competence and skills development is a burden. Thus, vocational students should get the right curriculum in his learning process in order to become productive human resources.
2. External Challenges
External challenges are faced by the world of education, especially vocational high school, among others, relating to the challenges of the future, the necessary competence in the future, the public perception, the development of knowledge and pedagogy, as well as various negative phenomena which arise.
a. Future challenges include globalization, advances in information technology.
b. Competence of the future include the ability to communicate, the ability to think clearly and critically, the ability to become responsible citizens, the ability to try to understand and tolerant of different views, and ready to work.
c. The public perception, among others too much emphasis on cognitive aspects, vocational students load is too heavy, less loaded with character.
d. The development of knowledge and pedagogy, among others, Neurology, Psychology, and Observation based [discovery] Collaborative learning and learning.
e. Among other negative phenomena are student fights, drugs and cheating in exams.
3. Improvement of Mindset
Appropriate education to the future needs of vocational students will only be realized if there is a shift or a change of mindset in the learning process as follows.
a. From a teacher-centered towards student-centered.
b. From one direction towards interactive.
c. From isolation to the networking environment.
d. From passive to the active-investigate.
e. From virtual / abstract to the real-world context.
f. From a personal learning towards team-based learning.
h. Single-headed sense of stimulations in all directions.
i. From a single tool to the multimedia tools.
j. From one-way relationship shifts toward cooperative.
k. From mass production towards customer needs.
l. From a single conscious effort toward plural.
m. From the science shifted toward a plural disciplinary knowledge.
n. From centralized control toward autonomy and confidence.
o. From the factual towards critical thinking.
p. From the transmission of knowledge to the exchange of knowledge.
Thus, vocational students can become more active in their learning.
4. Strengthening Governance Curriculum
Curriculum 2013 begins by setting competency standards based on the readiness of learners, national education goals and needs. After the competency set is then determined curriculum that consists of a basic framework curriculum and curriculum structure. And teacher education units are not given the authority to create a syllabus, but compiled at the national level. More vocational teachers are given the opportunity to develop the learning process without having to be burdened with tasks of syllabus that takes a lot of time and requires technical mastery.
Curriculum 2013, which replaces the 2006 SBC, was developed based on the provisions that require their juridical development of new curriculum, the philosophical foundation and empirical foundation. Curriculum development in 2013 is based on a philosophical, juridical, and conceptual, empirical and theoretical as follows.
Juridical basis constitute legal provisions that formed the basis for curriculum development and requiring the development of new curriculum. Legally, the curriculum is a public policy that is based on the philosophical foundations of the nation and judicial decisions in the field of education.
Juridical basis curriculum is Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005, and the Education Minister Regulation No. 23 of 2006 on Graduates Competency Standards and National Education Minister Regulation number 22 of 2006 on content standards.
According to E. Mulyasa (2013:64), curriculum development in 2013 inphilosophical basis of:
1)      Philosophical Pancasila which provide a variety of basic principles ineducational development.
2)      The philosophy of education based on noble values, academic values, the needs of learners, and society.
     Philosophical foundation is a foundation that directs the curriculum to man what will be produced curriculum.
National education has function to develop and form character and civilization of the nation's dignity (Republic Act number 20 of 2003 on National Education System). To develop and form the character and civilization of the nation's dignity, education serves to develop the entire potential of learners "become a man of faith and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and is responsible "(Republic Act number 20 of 2003 on National Education System).
Education can be run properly when the curriculum becomes the main support in the learning process because curriculum contains many constructive elements that optimal learning. Some specialists of curriculum give opinion that the education is at the heart of curriculum. Good and bad education prescribed by the curriculum, is able to develop a critical awareness of the learners or not.
The implementation of curriculum is a joint effort between the Government and the provincial government and local government district / city. The efforts are:
1.      The Government is responsible for preparing teachers and principals to implement the curriculum, evaluate the implementation of the national curriculum, supervision and evaluation of the implementation of the relevant provincial curriculum, provide professional assistance to teachers and principals to implement the curriculum in the district / city concerned.
2.      The school community is responsible for the implementation of the new curriculum. Meanwhile, among others:
a.       Mental teachers need to be grown
1)      Teachers have a mental learner and adaptive to changes.
2)      Teachers should have the attitude to put the interest of theirstudents, so they arewilling to change, to learn again and ready to cooperate with other teachers throughout will facilitate it in undergoing changes that occur in the vicinity as a professional educator.
b.      Mental teacher needs to be removed
1)      Teaching without preparation.
2)      Eliminate the lazy nature and prejudice against other teachers.
     Therefore, after all of the above it can be concluded that the national curriculum change that is necessary because in addition to answer the challenge of the times, as well as to prepare vocational students in the world of work after graduation. The curriculum changes have to adapt the changes of development of sophisticated technology.
The implementation of curriculum can be seenfrom the quality of vocational students and also can improve the quality of its schools. The curriculum changes are not always viewed negatively because beside every change must have reasons which cause vocational students become better, more superior, more independent and better prepared for the world of work after graduation. Government also has a role in changing the curriculum because without the help of government, the new curriculum will be difficult to implement in vocational high schools and the government must be ready to carry out any training to teachers who teach in vocational schools. So the teachers are readyto implement the new curriculum to their students. I am sure that with the new curriculum will make the students can compete in the world of work.

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